About Us
Colors of the Spirit is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by a group of students on July.14th, 2022. The organization aims to promote American culture, values, and spirit through art.
Colors of the Spirit is currently organizing a fundraising project selling donated pieces of artwork. All of the funds that are raised through this fundraiser are donated towards improving the working conditions for school teachers. We encourage all students to donate their artwork to help foster our cause.
Those who donate artwork will be issued a document including their volunteer hours. Those whose artwork sells will be issued a certificate of sale. The collection of donated artworks will be sold towards charity funds, our organization will not take responsibility how the buyers will use them.
Colors of the Spirit 是2022年7月14日注册在501(c)(3)之下的非营利组织。组织成员来自青少年。其宗旨是通过志愿活动用艺术形式倡导美国文化,价值观和美国精神。
目前正在开展征集⻘少年绘画作品义卖活动,所有义卖款都将捐赠给中小学以改善教师工作条件。欢迎各位绘画爱好小朋友踊跃报名,积极义捐画作。Colors of the Spirit 将向所有成交作品的作者颁发义卖证书。本组织所收集的艺术作品将会出售以筹集善款, 对购买者对艺术作品的用途将不负责任。